I’ve been so busy lately that shooting pictures and having fun hasn’t been a big focus. However, I had an amazing time at a photoshoot today. I joined up with a great non-profit called Wish for Wheels (based out of Denver, CO). Wish for Wheels’ mission is to get a new bicycle into the hands of second graders everywhere for families that can’t afford a bike.
I joined them for the giveaway day of the bikes at a Section 1 school in the Boston Public Schools system.
Getting ready to unload the bikes.
It was quiet at first as the dozen or so volunteers got there early to unload 150 bikes from the rental truck and get them ready to give away to kids who attended the school.
The kids started coming in with their parents. Despite the fact that all 150 bikes were identical, each kid still wanted to pick out their bikes from the giant lineup.
Some kids were shy; some were running up to the principal and attending teachers to say hello. There was obvious affection between the parties. Smiles all around!
I decided to start the shoot with my 50mm prime lens just to get some straight-on block shots. Nothing fancy. Just the facts, ma’am.
Every bike came with a lock and a helmet
Then I switched to my 15-35mm telephoto. I love to shoot wide. You can use techniques with these lenses to reach through the components of a scene and emphasize your subject. That was good fun. I spent most of the time with this lens on my camera.
Then I turned to my gorgeous 100mm f/2.8 prime lens. Lord I love this lens. It gets me into the scene without actually stepping into it. Why do I enjoy shooting like that? It keeps me more anonymous, and maybe more objective. I can get right up to a face and its expression without being in the way. The wide aperture provides a lovely, soft background when I want one. And it forces me to move my feet and really work a scene--there’s no zoom!
The four hours or so that I spent there were amazing. Kids were riding bicycles for the first time ever! Parents were helping them and so were the volunteers. Some kids picked up the skill pretty quickly, while some struggled and made a little bit of progress. One boy watched how-to-ride-a-bike videos on YouTube during the previous week, and he was zipping around in no time.
Not only was this shoot a happy one, but it was fun and there were tons of smiles. And the grilled cheese food truck was pretty good, too. Especially the truffle tater tots! I’m still dreaming about them....
First tenuous pedals
Lots of fun
Definitely getting the hang of it
Setting up the hemet
Planners and volunteers making it happen