In early January I joined an online group whose members each create one photo a week on a selected theme to share on their website and to get critiqued. Called, I've been enjoying the weekly experience. I'm currently in my ninth consecutive week, and I believe I can keep this thing going. I’ve learned that it doesn't matter what my subject matter is, and it doesn't matter whether I wind up with a good photo or not. it’s the process that keeps me thinking creatively, and I have fun with it.
Take today for instance. Liz and I went to Santa Cruz for a performance by the Edgar Allen Poe Speakeasy troupe. The actors had their Poe stories memorized, and they were nicely costumed. The theater was dark, and the stage was eerily lit with colored lights and candles. in support of the “speakeasy” part of the performance, the players served a drink to the audience members before each of the four pieces—The Telltale Heart, The Black Cat, The Mask of the Red Death, and The Raven. So by the end of the performance the audience was pretty-well schnockered, including us.
I took a few photos during the performance (encouraged by the actors) because I thought that maybe I could get a ghostly image of one of the characters as they performed. Just an experiment that would be fun. And I was right! Just a few shots were all I needed, and I had something new and interesting to think about. Fun!
However, it turns out that the theme of this week’s for 52frames challenge is not "Ghostly Characters." Rather, it is "Black and White." So when we went back outside after the performance, I knew I still had to try to get my photo. Fortunately Santa Cruz is filled with photo ops, and the best of them are of people. Take a look at the photos below. You'll know which one it is! More fun!
All of the photos in this email are ones that I made in pursuit of one of my weekly images. If you shoot photos, make sure you take time to enjoy the experience, enjoy the moment, and have fun. It'll help with your creativity.
Photos can be serene.
Photos can be shocking