Look for the light to find beauty in the ordinary

Photographers often look for pretty landscapes, interesting people, and unusual sights to make a splash with their images. Something that stands out from the normal. This is a good way to have impact with your images. But what about the ordinary? Can’t these things make for impactful photos also? I say yes, and I challenge myself often to find the interesting, curious and beautiful in the ordinary….

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Deep Freeze

I live in New England. I’m in love with winter. The cold, snappy temperatures. The bright sun that doesn’t touch the icy conditions. The tears that stream from my eyes as I walk into the wind on my way to work. All these things I truly enjoy. They remind me that I am very much alive and feeling the world around me.

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Looking for an eagle to photograph

I went to Dighton Rock State Park today after the weather had cleared from light rain and mist to nearly clear skies. Located next to the Taunton River in Berkley, MA, the park is home to multiple hiking trails and wildlife, including over 100 species of birds. Recently, a single Steller’s sea eagle was spotted there, far out of its natural range….

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